Mother’s Day may be looking a lot different this year, but don’t fret, we’ve got you covered! Send mom a gift she’ll cherish and give her a call while you’re at it — you know she’ll appreciate it. Read on below for our digital gift guide for mom.
Ebooks and Audiobooks

Books hold a special part in our hearts and we love sharing that with our moms! While ebooks and audiobooks may not be the trust old paperback mom’s used to reading, we’re sure she’d love a book in one of these digital formats!
Looking for some recommendations? Check out our 6 Great Books for Moms this Mother’s Day and 10 Audiobooks You Should Listen To blog posts for some excellent gift ideas.
App Subscriptions

There are a lot of service-based apps you can gift subscriptions to based on your mom’s interests! Audible and Scribd are great choices for book-loving moms. If your mom is into mindfulness, try a subscription to a meditation app like Headspace. And if mom is still reluctant to throw away all your old Disney classic VHS tapes, a gift subscription to Disney+ would certainly bring her joy!
Subscription Boxes

Subscription boxes are also wonderful gifts that will give your mom a great mix of products based on a common theme or interest. Book of the Month is perfect for those moms always looking for something new on their TBR lists. If your mom is into sustainable and ethically produced goods, then Causebox sounds right up her alley! Lastly, if she is very interested in makeup, a beauty box like BoxyCharm.
Online Classes

Give back to your mom for all the lessons she’s taught you with some online classes! If she’s always been interested in creative writing (and loves Margaret Atwood!), Masterclass has just the class for her. Is your mom crafty? Bluprint offers classes in a variety of crafts and hobbies, including sewing, cooking, knitting, painting, and more! Lastly, if mom is a modern renaissance woman, Skillshare with their wide range of classes.
Gift Cards

While gift cards sometimes get a bad rep, they can be great gifts if you really consider the person you’re buying for. In mom’s case, if she’s an avid reader, think about supporting her local bookstore and buying a gift card from them for future book purchases.
Other great gift card ideas include one to a spa or their favorite online beauty retailer to pamper themselves. The world’s your oyster, though, for picking out a gift card that’ll mom will love using!
Share with us! How will you be celebrating with your mom?
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