How to Book Club With Maisey Yates + Giveaway!

Have you been looking for a feel-good or romantic read for your next book club meeting? Maisey Yates has it all! We chatted with her to see how she’d host a book club meeting for three of her most recent books. Comment on this blog post with what your ideal book club meeting looks like before August 31 for your chance to win a copy of Secrets from a Happy Marriage by Maisey Yates!* One entry per person.

How to Book Club with Maisey Yates

*NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER. Purchase or acceptance of a product offer does not improve your chances of winning. Contest opens July 21, 2020 at 9:00 AM EST and closes August 31, 2020 at 11:59 PM EST. Enter online at . Open to legal residents of the U.S. and Canada, excluding Quebec, who have reached the age of majority in their state/territory of residence or older. Void where prohibited by law. One (1) prize available to be won, consisting of a hardcover copy of The Secrets from a Happy Marriage by Maisey Yates. Prize ARV: $28.99 USD. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. Maximum of one (1) entry allowed per person. Official Rules available online at Sponsor: Harlequin Enterprises ULC.

74 thoughts on “How to Book Club With Maisey Yates + Giveaway!

  1. Ideal book club meeting looks like my two best friends, some good food and drinks and my dog. Haven’t seen them in awhile and would love to catch up over a good book.

  2. My Ideal book club would be great friends, great books and great snacks maybe a little tom collins to keep us company

    1. My ultimate book club is with all of my best girlfriends. With snacks and finger foods, glasses filled with wine and all talking about our newest book. Every thing from where the book takes place to the characters and where their journey takes them. A wonderful night of books, food, and fun.
      Thank You for this chance to win one of your creations. #MaiseyYates #BookClub

  3. I like book club where you just bring a book you have read you would recommend to the group. We have been doing this once a month on zoom. Love it.

  4. My idea of a great book club meeting would be a couple friends who enjoy reading Cowboy romances as I do.We talk about the books then finish up with a snack of Sweet tea and those luscious cupcakes with the twisted type frosted cream cheese frosting.

  5. A historical fiction novel, wine + cheese board, and several invested members who come ready to discuss!

  6. Ideal book club includes a fabulous read, fabulous friends with great snacks and a cup of tea. Virtual book club is what’s happening now, but going to get together soon.

  7. be with friends who like to read about second chancces, listening to classic rock, eating rhubarb crisp and drinking shirley temples

  8. My ideal book club meeting would be to have a few of my friends over to discuss the book and have a bottle or two of Asti Spumante and some snacks to start it off, then we would order a pizza and enjoy our evening together.

    1. My ideal book club would be my closest friends..good food..maybe a margarita or two and a romance novel!

  9. My ideal of a book club would be my book lover friends altogether discussing the book, eating snacks, and drinking ice tea or coffee or wine. I need to go virtual now which is just as fun!!. Thank you for the chance

  10. Hello! Invite family and friends to the Book Club be sure to let everyone know what book we are reading. Have some yummy treats and lemonade. Discuss the book and enjoy each other.

  11. My ideal book club is a cozy chair in front of a fireplace with my best friends, kitties and some exceptional hot chocolate.

    1. my ideal book club is to have 2 of good friends,read, talk, eat, laugh, watch movie if book has a movie, and just chill.

  12. We have an ideal book club already! We are blessed to be a group of 24 ladies of all age ranges who meet once a month and discuss the book, eat snacks, and drink wine! We often share and show books we’ve read on our own tgat we really enjoyed at the end of the meeting. We met virtually up until July When we held our first post covid outdoor, distanced, masked event in my driveway. What a joy it was to be with each other after so many months!

  13. An ideal bookclub has to have book lovers who are ready to read different genres, coffee and comfortable seating. Oh did I say lots of cookies!!

  14. Ideal book club would be having a fiery discussion at a tea room or wine tasting… I miss meeting for book club… ☹️

  15. Ideal book club is my group gathered together in my living room by the fire with wine, great talk and no covid so we could all be together. A great discussion ensues about out most recent pick

  16. My ideal book club meeting would involve sitting at a cozy coffee house, sipping coffee and eating cinnamon rolls (or some equally delicious and sugary treat) discussing our book pick in detail as we talk about the characters and how we related to them, the plot, the details, etc.

  17. I love to get together in our living room with a glass of wine and discuss how a book makes us feel and what we take from it.

  18. I like mystery and detective stories so I’d want that for a book clip. Maybe have members discuss and try to figure out along the way.

    1. MI love to gather in cozy spaces with good friends, good books, maybe some snacks and wine too!

  19. My ideal book club would be a group of book lover friends together, give & taking about the book, sharing laughs, sighs and cries while snacking on some yummy snacks & wine.

  20. Our book club has introduced me to a world of books that I may never have picked, but truly loved. I love the friendship and the insight our discussions bring. And there is usually good food! Stupid COVID has made bookclub be virtual for awhile, but I look forward to when we can meet in person again.

  21. My ideal bookclub meeting takes place at one of our homes (just not Beth’s…her house smells like feet) that has cozy seating, quiet animals (if any) that are scarce, & significant other/kids (if applicable) are either gone for the hours of the meeting (or perhaps in another area of the home where they cannot be heard or hear the book club chatter either. We club mem’s like to go off topic sometimes & get some gossip in or chat about the latest episode of The Bachelor.) Best time would be a Saturday afternoon, maybe Sunday. (Weekdays just hold too much responsibility & tighter schedules for most.) We would have some refreshing drinks, maybe some flavored waters or iced tea, a few bottles of wine for those that are celebrating getting out of the house (like I would be), & some hot coffee & tea as well to accompany the yummy treats that I will call ‘homemade’ (but are really from Sams Club or made by the little old lady next door who loves to bake). The treats must contain chocolate of some sort (yes, I know you are lactose intolerant, Karen…so am I, but MUST.HAVE.CHOCOLATE.) And we had better have some lighter stuff, too, like fruit (because Cathy did not bust her bum all year to lose 20 lbs just to watch everyone else eating chocolate chip cookies while she secretly hoped the chocolate chips were Exlax. And Cathy KNOWS they are from Sams, so the jig is up there.) The book club book (that most people will have probably forgotten to read, but, Hey! they still wanted to come drink the free wine & eat the free cookies) will be something that most of the members will enjoy, & create healthy, insightful discussion (yes, Karen, there was a sex scene, get over it…& YOU bring the wine next month & leave the WHINE at home). Book club ends with a vote on next months book pick (no Cathy, we are not reading ‘101 Delicious Weight Watchers Recipes’, but thanks for voting), some side eye from the members whose book choice did not get picked, about 40 mins spent trying to figure out when & where the next meeting will take place, (& will someone please take Beth home, she had 6 oz of wine over 2 hrs & is blitzed.)

  22. Good friends, yummy snacks, and an amazing book make for a wonderful book club meeting! Good luck to all!

    1. Pre-pandemic the perfect book club would be chocolate (or any dessert really) and some iced coffee in a cozy spot with my favorite book friends 🙂

  23. Mmmm. Best book club would be a fun, but intriguing book with lots to talk about, so we can meet with great friends and eat amazing food. Delicious beverages are also a must!!

  24. My ideal book club is a group of about 10 women (the “Lit Chicks”) who love to discuss the themes (and details) of the books we read. We meet monthly at each other’s homes–the upcoming hostess selects the book and leads the discussion. We enjoy wine and snacks. Ideally snacks related to something in the book. It is casual, relaxed and fun.

  25. An ideal Book Club Meeting would be being able to meet in person, without masks. I really miss our monthly meetings. We have continued to read during the pandemic, just not able to discuss the books in person. Of course we always strayed from the topic.Someone usually brought snacks. It was a delightful evening.

  26. My ideal book club is our group of 6 friends who sit around a table full of good food, candidly sharing their thoughts. Whoever is hosting the event provides the food and the insightful questions. It’s a guaranteed night of laughs with 6 smart women that I truly admire.

  27. My ideal book club is getting together with a couple friends with an intriguing literary title and a bottle of good red wine. Preferably outside if the weather is good.

  28. My ideal book club meeting would be my actual book club finally being able to get together in person again. We’d discuss a book such as our August pick, “The Widows of Malabar Hill” which takes place in India. We would have an Indian-food themed potluck, decorations, authentic music, and wear jewelry and clothes similar to those in the novel.

  29. My ideal book club chooses a theme each season and each member chooses a book related to that theme.

  30. There is nothing like some great chick-lit, good friends, plenty of snacks and lots of talking = perfect book club meeting

  31. My ideal book club is the one I attend monthly in a local restaurant’s community room with ladies from all walks of life and all ages! Over the last 1 1/2 years, we’ve come together as strangers and now value each other’s friendship, care about each other’s well being, and respect each other’s book choices, as well as passions, thoughts, and wonderings about a wealth of topics!

  32. A group of women who appreciate novels with depth, wonderful conversation, delectable treats, and interesting discussion which could lead to strong friendships.

  33. My ideal book club consists of several important ingredients. Women who enjoy books and interesting talks about the novel, sitting outside during the summer and in a cozy setting in the fall and winter and appetizing snacks with enjoyable and enduring relationships from the book club.

  34. A wonderful evening with friends who are sharing wonderful parts of the book. We are sitting around in comfortable chairs laughing, crying and sharing in each other’s lives. We can have snacks and drinks. Wonderful friendships and memories are formed.

  35. My ideal book club would be almost anything that could be in person. I’m not thrilled by virtual book club anymore.

  36. My favorite book club, which focuses on science fiction and fantasy, used to meet for wine and dessert. We always had a wonderful time. Now we’re on Zoom, but I hope we can get back to our girls night out events again someday!

  37. My ideal book club would include great conversations, sharing real insights about life and excitement over our next book club read. Drinks and snacks are also a must!

  38. My ideal book club would be a monthly meeting with close friends and good food and talking and sharing great books.

  39. My ideal book club meeting would include my closest friends, good wine, a feel-good book and plenty of tasty snacks 🙂 If it’s nice out I would host it at my local park. Otherwise I would host it in my living room.

    1. My ideal book club would be with my friends, a good book, chocolate and other snacks, and then dogs. Lots and lots of dogs.

  40. My ideal book club meeting would be where everyone had actually read the book and all participate in the discussion. It starts out with a little bit of social time, some wine and some food. Then everyone sits down and discusses the book. At the end, everyone votes on the next month’s book.

  41. I am in a book club and love my group. These days just seeing each other in person is amazing. However, a little food, wine, laughter and a lot of talk of books makes it ideal.

  42. My ideal book club would be me + my 4 bestfriends (including my Hubby) with some drinks, snacks and lots of laughs.

  43. 8 women, some crossed legged, some with their legs tucked underneath them, sitting on two cozy couches around a round glass coffee table, littered with half empty glasses, plates relieved of their contents, some with half eaten crudite or lone popcorn kernels, a vine from those exceptionally crunchy grapes. One woman with a glass of wine in one hand gesturing excitably with the other, while some nod in agreement and others stand to interrupt. And me smirking at it all so appreciative of this lovely sisterhood that feels like home.

  44. Book Club is a having yummy cheese & salty snacks with some fruit. Good friends sitting in big comfy chairs and pillows and the sound of rain outside. Discussing a fabulous can’t put down memoir or thriller.

  45. Ideal book club easily involves going out for a night at a local restaurant, ordering lots of snack foods, and getting comfy with discussion.

  46. My ideal book club meeting is a few friends, a nice bottle of wine, some healthy snacks and of course an awesome book. Thank you for the chance.

  47. I am enjoying reading so much more now since COVID has begun – I love nothing better than submerge myself in my latest read!!!

  48. Having a few friends over for tea or wine & light snacks. Sitting around discussing a great book we’ve all read.

  49. My ideal book club would included the women in my family because I come from a long line of book lovers & some friends. I love psychological thrillers but I think that’s the beauty of a book club, it’s reading books you may not necessarily of read othewise. I think you know you have a wonderful group when you see some things the same but uncover things others don’t only because we all see things differently which I love.

  50. My ideal book club is my dearest friends and I together – in person – with popcorn and homemade cookies, coffee and/or wine (depends on the time of day! Haha!), and plush, comfy furniture. Oh, and it should definitely be raining outside, just to make it extra cozy.

  51. My ideal bookclub would start with my amazing friends, a good book and of course good food and some wine.

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